Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fort Hall Indian Festival

We decided to go on Thursday to watch the Indian relay races and it was kind of funny cause when we pulled in of course there was Indians everywhere and Shana said, are we suppose to be here? I told her it is open to everyone but we were the only non-Indian people insight so we felt a little out of place but it was a good time except now we know for next year that there will be a line of people standing against the rail so people in the first few rows can't see unless you stand which is what we did. There was one horse that ran into another and knocked a guy down and he was shaken up but alright later. The last picture is where a guy from Fort Hall jumped off his horse and jumped on another and he was taking off. We didn't get to stay for the miniature bull ride or any dancing but maybe next year we can.


Nancy said...

That looked interesting. You never know what's in your own backyard till you get out and look around a little bit.