Monday, February 9, 2009

"Change" we need

I'm sure everyone that reads this has already heard about this stimulus package of 800 billion dollars over 50 times. Its kind of funny how many people believe in this change and how Obama is going to redo Washington. Well I looked up some of this bill to find out where our money is going. Here is just a little bit of where its going. 25 million for ATV trials, 400 million to prevent STD's, 150 million for honeybee insurance, 650 million for digital coupons, 400 million for global warming research, 246 million tax break for Hollywood producers to buy motion picture film, and 600 million for hybrid vehicles for federal employees. That is suppose to "stimulate" the economy? It looks like its politics as usual and it won't stop until people start blowing the whistle on the people that are asking for this stuff. When was the last time we had a honest politician? Will we have have one that stands up for what is right?


Michael Pressley said...

Amen Brother!!! Im not sure how giving government employees free cars along with their already inflated paychecks and gobs of vacation time is going to help the normal citizen. I think this whole stimulus thing is a crock of crap and only desined to either further Obamas agenda of socialism or to thicken the wallets of all of his left wing, liberal idiot friends. What has America come to? A bunch of lazy saps not wanting to work and are at home smoking pot and waiting for their next govenment hand out. Cylee was reading in a church magazine and there is an article from an Apostle who stats that if a person is physically/mentally capable of working, they should not be receiving handouts...Thats not the case with half the leaches on welfare and even more that will get there soon with that "waste of flesh" Obama in office.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you and Michael. As best I can remember, Honest Abe Lincoln was the last honest politician we had. Which is so sad. Cylee was right too. The Bible tells us to not just give a man a fish; but teach him how to fish so that he may feed his family. Anyway, learn who your representatives and senators are. Hold their feet to the fire, and, most importantly, VOTE.
Mom T.

Nancy said...

Question (not related to posting): Your mom told me that you got one of those 1x year allergy shots. Could you tell me aprox. how much it was and how it is working for you? Do you know the name of it so I can research it a little?