Monday, September 20, 2010

Scouting for Elk

Bob and I took a couple of horses and went to scout an area on the Idaho Wyoming border over the weekend. We got there Friday around dark and set up camp. I tried going to sleep around 11 because we were getting up at 6 but I was so excited that I only got 2 or 3 hours of sleep. We had breakfast and saddled up the horses and finally took off around 9:30 because of an issue of where we had parked. In the first 10 minutes of going down a dirt road looking for a pack trail my horse stopped all of a sudden and looked to the right and so did I and I saw a big bull moose in the trees but it only lasted a couple of seconds the after that some mule deer crossed the road. We went through some thick trees on a trail that wasnt too big. It ended up taking us around to the other side of where we left and we went down another dirt road and talked to a man and woman who were bowhunting. The man said that he just got a bull and his wife got a cow. I asked to see the bull and they were very nice and let us and it was a big bull and they kind of told us near where they got it. We left and went the other direction and went a few miles past where mechanical vehicles arent permitted. On the way back we saw another hunter that just got there and as we are riding by we would talk to people but Bob had his Tenn. hat on and the guy asked where he got it and Bob said from some hillbilly from Tenn and I said yeah the hillbilly in front of him. The guy asked what part of Tenn and I said the west part, Paris Tenn and he shouted through the woods as we are riding away from him, I'm from Paris. He said whats your name and I told him but we where out of sight by then. Later I wished we would have went back and talked to him but we and when I say we I mean I was getting tired and saddle sore. All together we went around 20 miles but it was a blast. We are going to go back in a couple weeks and hopefully I can get some better pic of the mountains changing colors, we just didnt stop very much and I didn't want to take pics while riding.


Anonymous said...

My that cowboy on the horse is handsome. Glad you guys had a good time and got to see the moose and the elk that others had gotten with the bow. Sounds like the TN cowboy is out of shape. He'd better get some excerise if he plans to bring home an elk.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Is this Shana's dad?? We were just wondering?? Looks like a lot of fun, and so pretty there. Traci

Nancy said...

Hadn't seen anything from you all in a while. Today is November 24. Your mom says you all had a blizzard this week. (Is that your first John?) The first one is kind of weird just because you don't know what to expect. We haven't had much here yet but for some reason I feel the need to prepare this year. Actually the last several years have been relatively quiet weather wise.

We are having a quiet Thanksgiving here, just the 4 of us. Not much celebration or fanfare just time together which is a gift in of itself. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving filled with many blessings surrounded by those you love!