Monday, May 25, 2009

The new mailman

This pigeon showed up in our driveway Monday afternoon while we were doing yard work. Shana saw it standing in the driveway and wondered if it was injured. We walked right up to it and it didnt seem hurt or even afraid of us. It had a tag around its leg but no message for us. Bob figured he must have got lost. We kept an eye on him to make sure the cats didnt get to him. Then all of a sudden he just took off. Shana was a little sad that he had left.


Nancy said...

Bet he's more reliable than the post office (and doesn't need a raise).

Got a little behind on what is going on there but it was good to catch up and see your pictures. You really live in a beautiful area, that's one thing I love about being in the west, it is gorgeous (and almost no bugs!).

Cylee Pressley said...

Shana & Jon,

Sorry for never getting back with you guys. It looks like you two are staying really busy and seeing lots of pretty places.

Shana you look great! Love the pictures.