Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15th 2008 Our sunday drive

Not only did we go for a drive but we went for a long walk. Its actually not as cold as it looks. We walked down this canyon to the river and saw alot of different things. We should have been packin a pistol because when we were at the bottom we saw some holes in the side like where a mountain lion or coyote would be and underneath one of them we saw a dead deer. But it was nice to get out and get some fresh mountain air.


Cylee Pressley said...

Hey guys,

Sorry this has taken me so long to send to you...and I am sending it here because I lost your e-mail. Could you e-mail me then I would have it.

This is the link to that ad

It is a great commerical....too bad it didn't get shown.

Nancy said...

Understand what you mean about there being snow on the ground but it not being that cold. Funny thing is that because we live near the mountains people assume we are covered in snow all winter. Truth of the matter is that it isn't nearly as bad here as it is at home, just some snow and then it melts off, and NO ICE STORMS!

Ben said...

I love taking walks. Miss you guys.